The values common to men-HAPPINESS, LOVE, WEALTH, ARROGANCE, SORROW and WISDOM, lived on an island. One day there came an announcement that the island was about to sink and everyone had to evacuate. All but one left the island on a boat. This exception was "Love". "Love" waited patiently until the island was covered with water and eventually sunk then called for help. The first to hear this call was "Wealth". "Wealth" came near "Love" and asked what it wanted. "Love" said it needed to be rescued. "Wealth" replied:"My boat is filled with gold, silver and jewelry and I don't have any room for you" and rowed away. "Love then asked "Arrogance" to be rescued. "Arrogance" sized up "Love" and said "you are soaking wet, if I take you in my boat you'll ruin it". A few feet away "Sorrow" was rowing away when "Love" begged if it could be rescued. "Sorrow" replied: "I am so sad that I don't want to be bothered by anybody, I want to be alone." Then "Love" spotted "Happiness" behind "Sorrow". With hope it yelled out to "Happiness" : Will you rescue me?" "Happiness" was so full of itself did not even respond. Right at that moment "Love"
heard a familiar old voice from behind and "Love" was rescued. Once on the shore "Love" ran into "Wisdom" and asked "Wisdom" who was its rescuer? "Wisdom" said it was "TIME". "Love" with all innocence asked why was it saved by "Time" ? "Wisdom" responded : The only thing that is mature enough to understand your power is "TIME" . If you really want to know the depth and value of "LOVE", leave it to "TIME"....... and don't let it slip away.

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