Here's recipe #1:
1 Cup blueberries
1/4 Cup water
1/2 Cup sugar
2 tbsp of rum (or lemon juice ) to retain color
Place everything in a medium pan and boil until blueberries are soft and you're done.
Omelet with Vienna sausage was my favorite
Recipe #2
For desert, I crumbled corn flakes and placed them on the bottom of the parfait cup. I topped it with blueberry syrup, blueberry yogurt and more corn flakes. I guess I gave him enough blueberry health for one day.
now all I have to do is find some blueberries! Sounds great. Diane
blueberries are not very common where I live but I love them!
I'd like the sauce on a pancake :P
Blueberries,gosto demais!
Adorei a receita...uma delicia!
Ótima semana.
I like to put fresh blueberries in a fruit salad. It gives it just the right amount of dark color against yellow pineapple and white apple. Nutrition is good but I like the contrast of the color!
Hey! I just found your blog and I LOVE the time displayed in the cherries. Brilliant!
Like your husband, I love blueberries - my preferred way of eating them is out of a deep plate (like a soup or pasta plate), filled up with milk and sprinkled with a table spoon of sugar.
To me, they are the epitome of summer!
Looks delicious!
Oh!!!I love blueberries, and as your husband, fresh or in pies!!!!! great recipe!!!!!!
Hello Diane, do you think you can grow them in your garden??
Heloo Gio, thank you for stopping by. I'll try to save you a stack of pancakes.
Hi Ivani, thnak you for visiting
Hello Kay, I hope to see you here more often.
Hello Librarian, sounds like a good idea
Hello Cuisine de Provance, thank you for visiting
Hello Va De Pan thank you for visiiting
(posso parlare italiano?)
Ma che bel blog che ho trovato.... Complimenti per le ricette, sono molto invitanti.
Mi sono aggiunta ai tuoi lettori fissi di google friends, cosi non ti perdo più di vista.
Se ti va, passa a trovarmi, sei la benvenuta.
LaMagicaZucca, I'm sorry I wish I spoke Italian. Thank you for visiting and your kind comments.
I love blueberries! and your sauce looks divine!
i like so much blueberries ! thanks for this delight ! :)
Hello Francy, thank you, give it a try
La Cucina di Esme, thank you for stopping by
My English is very bad, sorry. I come from a community in northern Spain with my blog, I really like your blog and I hope to follow it with your permission.
A greeting and congratulations on your blog
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