I woke up to a beautiful morning with sunshine and birds chirping outside my window. I thought to myself "it is going to be a great day". After breakfast with my husband I set my table for our family gathering. Then went into the kitchen to prepare our Easter meal. My menu was, ham, mashed sweet potatoes, asparagus bundles, lasagna and my first attempt at Easter bread which I had baked a day before (thank God for that). I put the ham in the oven and happily started cooking my vegetables. Everything was going as planned, ham was cooking happily in the oven with lasagna, my vegetables were almost done. All of a sudden something didn't feel right. The delicious aroma that was wafting from the oven through the house had stopped. What was wrong?? I opened the oven door and the oven was cold. Oh no, oven malfunction on a holiday is not so pretty!!!. My husband tried different things to fix it but still there was no heat. The funny thing is the stove was working fine. This forced me to go to plan B/ to use my toaster oven. I had to slice the ham and put it in a smaller pan to cook in a small space. But what about my lasagna?? I had to improvise on that one also. That's why I do not have pictures of my ham or lasagna although they tasted great but they weren't picture worthy.
However, my Easter bread was a hit as was the little chickadee place cards I had made a day before.

The honey mint glazed carrots received good marks from my husband and the asparagus bundles with their very subtle lemon oil dressing got a good mark from Beverly.

Mashed sweet potatoes with garlic and cream cheese was my favorite. It was comfort food at its best. At the end of the day what matter the most was to have our family around to celebrate this holiday.
una tavola riccamente decorata e quante delizie!
Thank You Lucy
Che splendore!!! Una bella tavola! Bella da vedere e buona da gustare!!! ^___*
A presto!
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