According to some people the world is getting smaller/closer through technology. If that is so wouldn't it be smarter to get to know who our neighbors are, where they came from, what their customs are and what we can learn from them? It is

to my bewilderment that many people don't even know their next door neighbor. I know my neighbors. They are good people and I learn something
every time I speak with them. They are also learning about me. We all come from somewhere and we all have something to offer to this society to our friends and neighbors even if they are not so friendly in the
beginning. Some twenty two years ago when I moved into my house I waited for my neighbors to come and say hello to me. I baked cookies and was ready to make tea or
coffee if anybody showed up. Well no body showed up, so I took my cookies to them. One neighbor was friendly, took the cookies and closed her door, other neighbor mentioned that she did not have anything to offer me. Well did you think these incidents deterred me?.
Of course not. I invited them to my house for a
barbecue. They came;I had the opportunity to get to know them better. Now when I come home, I have friends to whom I wave and say hello with warmth in my heart.