We celebrated my friend's 100th birthday this month. I met her years ago when she was in her late 80's and I was younger than her youngest daughter. Despite the age difference we bonded immediately. I became her best friend, confidant and liaison to a younger world. She and I talked about fashion, hair, make-up and about serious matters. She told me about her children, her husband and her life. Sometimes we cried together but mostly I made her laugh. I had a feeling that some of the stories she shared with me was not shared with anyone else. After my bout with cancer I asked her if she had had a mammogram done. She told me she was too old for that. After one week of hounding her to see a doctor, she finally relented and went to get a mammography. Her results were not good but it was not too late. She was lucky enough to get diagnosed early. During her ordeal to uplift her spirits I told her that she and I'll dance at her 100th birthday to which she shrugged and said she didn't think so. I dared her and we made a pact that we would dance even if she was in a wheel chair. Since then she has travelled around the world and was on many cruises, shopped, drove her car until her arthritis stopped her. We keep in touch with each other over the phone most of the time. Her major complaint these days is her loss of hearing and she abhors hearing aids. Today she is still sharp as a tack and sweet as an apple pie. At her birthday party we were seated with her physicians and we all agreed that she was a very young 100 and has many more years in her. Oh, by the way I'm happy to report that my dear friend wasn't in a wheel chair at her birthday party and she and I danced amid all her children, grand children and great grandchildren.

What a great story of someone who sounds like an amazing person. Please wish her a very Happy Birthday from me as well. Diane
Alegra y emociona conocer a personas así.
Un abrazo
How wonderful! Thank you for sharing this; friendship is so important, and I am glad you have such a special friend. Hopefully, you'll be able to celebrate many more of her birthdays!
mille e mille auguri per l'amica centenaria!
100 years, Wow!! compliments!! how many things she could see in 100 years and how many she will see! fantastic! happy birthday to your dearest friend.
What a beautiful story of such an amazing friendship! How amazing that your friend turned 100!! Wow, she sounds like a great lady.
Te felicito por esta entrada tan bonita.
Un beso,
What a lovely story about you and your sweet friend,..so special! It is such a privilege if you can still dance when you just turned 100!
Enjoy this special bond!
Hello Diane, thank you. I'll be talking to her tonight and I'll mention your well wishes to her
Hello Romo, thank you.
Hello Librarian, thank you she is a special lady and I hope she'll be around for a long time.
Hello Azzurra, thank you, I wish all my friends will have a long and healthy life
Hello Al Cuoco, nice to hear from you. Thank you. She talks about the changes she sees in times and people
Hello Una Semplice Passione, thank you. I enjoy all my friends and try to be a good one.
Hello Suny, thank you for stopping by. I always have room for friends
Complimenti per il bellissimo post!!!
No...100 anni?????Mi sembra una ragazzina....complimenti....e grazie mille per il dolce commento!!!!!!Buona vita e buon tutto!
Oh, what a touching story about you and your friend. I hope that there will be still some more good years remaining for you both together :-)
Thank you for visitin Graal77, she is very young looking
Hello Barafra for her sake thank you
Amazing post and great homage to your friend. What an amazing age to beccelebrated, specially, with such friendship and kindness and you did!!!
Thank you Lia
Thank you Lia
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